PNG  IHDRF~/"0tEXtprompt{"2": {"inputs": {"x": 6.5, "equation": "x+1/3"}, "class_type": "Equation1param _O"}, "3": {"inputs": {"float": ["7", 0]}, "class_type": "floatToText _O"}, "4": {"inputs": {"text": ["3", 0], "prefix": "Numbers"}, "class_type": "Debug Text _O"}, "5": {"inputs": {"x": ["2", 0], "y": 2.5, "equation": "x+y"}, "class_type": "Equation2params _O"}, "6": {"inputs": {"float": ["5", 0]}, "class_type": "floatToInt _O"}, "7": {"inputs": {"int": ["6", 0]}, "class_type": "intToFloat _O"}, "8": {"inputs": {"prompt": "dancng girl", "model": "gpt-3.5-turbo", "seed": 285669622918753}, "class_type": "ChatGPT Simple _O"}, "9": {"inputs": {"text": "In this example, you can write your equation to be applied on the input "}, "class_type": "Note _O"}, "10": {"inputs": {"text": "ChatGPT updates\n - support selecting the model \n so if you have access to gpt-4 you can use it\n\n - add a seed input (it is not a real seed) but it is used to make \n the node generate new input \n\n\n//note: using ChatGPT with revAnimated or mistoonAnime checkpoints produce stunning accurate results"}, "class_type": "Note _O"}, "11": {"inputs": {"text": "updates\n - no longer need to use String nodes, so this new one is using \n normal text parameter, so it is now compatible with other comfyUI \n nodes that receive text\n\n - support selecting the model in chat Completion node\n so if you have access to gpt-4 you can use it\n\n//note: using ChatGPT with revAnimated or mistoonAnime checkpoints produce stunning accurate results"}, "class_type": "Note _O"}, "12": {"inputs": {"text": ["8", 0], "prefix": "ChatGPT simple"}, "class_type": "Debug Text _O"}, "13": {"inputs": {}, "class_type": "load_openAI _O"}, "14": {"inputs": {"role": "user", "content": "act as prompt generator ,i will give you text and you describe an image that match that text in details, answer with one response only"}, "class_type": "Chat_Message _O"}, "15": {"inputs": {"role": "user", "content": "dancng girl"}, "class_type": "Chat_Message _O"}, "16": {"inputs": {"message1": ["14", 0], "message2": ["15", 0]}, "class_type": "combine_chat_messages _O"}, "17": {"inputs": {"model": "gpt-3.5-turbo", "seed": 0, "openai": ["13", 0], "messages": ["16", 0]}, "class_type": "Chat completion _O"}, "21": {"inputs": {"text": ["17", 0], "prefix": "ChatGPT"}, "class_type": "Debug Text _O"}, "22": {"inputs": {"text": "Open AI package"}, "class_type": "Note _O"}, "23": {"inputs": {"text": "Thanks for using my tools \n\n- kindly notice that the green colored nodes are the new updates in \n this version"}, "class_type": "Note _O"}, "26": {"inputs": {"prompt": "dancng girl", "number": 1, "size": "256x256", "seed": 0, "openai": ["13", 0]}, "class_type": "create image _O"}, "29": {"inputs": {"text": "updates\n - create image input now is text instead of string, so it can be\n Compatible with any other text nodes \n - also add fake seeds to force the node to generate new input each \n cycle if needed"}, "class_type": "Note _O"}, "30": {"inputs": {"images": ["26", 0]}, "class_type": "PreviewImage"}, "31": {"inputs": {"number": 1, "size": "256x256", "seed": 0, "openai": ["13", 0], "image": ["26", 0]}, "class_type": "variation_image _O"}, "33": {"inputs": {"images": ["31", 0]}, "class_type": "PreviewImage"}, "34": {"inputs": {"terminology": "fantasy-creature", "seed": 864738385711296}, "class_type": "RandomNSP _O"}, "35": {"inputs": {"text": "updates\n - remove the no longer necessary string node \n - add new NSP node\n - enhanced the text2image node\n"}, "class_type": "Note _O"}, "36": {"inputs": {"text": "updates\n - this node will select a random value from the NSP file included \n with the Package based on the terminology you select"}, "class_type": "Note _O"}, "37": {"inputs": {"terminology": "pop-location", "seed": 837829450938436}, "class_type": "RandomNSP _O"}, "39": {"inputs": {"text1": ["41", 0], "separator": " at ", "text2": ["37", 0]}, "class_type": "Concat Text _O"}, "41": {"inputs": {"text": ["34", 0]}, "class_type": "Trim Text _O"}, "42": {"inputs": {"text": " - trim removes any extra spaces after or \n before the text if found"}, "class_type": "Note _O"}, "43": {"inputs": {"text": " - combine two text inputs to one text also \n it will add the separator in the middle"}, "class_type": "Note _O"}, "44": {"inputs": {"text": ["39", 0], "old": "Wizard", "new": "Witch"}, "class_type": "Replace Text _O"}, "45": {"inputs": {"text": ["44", 0], "prefix": "NSP"}, "class_type": "Debug Text _O"}, "46": {"inputs": {"text": " - replaces all occurrences of (old) with \n the new) value "}, "class_type": "Note _O"}, "47": {"inputs": {"text": " - debug will write text to the \n console screen\n - prefix will be written before \n your log "}, "class_type": "Note _O"}, "48": {"inputs": {"text": ["44", 0], "font": "CALIBRI.TTF", "size": 36, "font_R": 0, "font_G": 0, "font_B": 0, "font_A": 255, "background_R": 255, "background_G": 255, "background_B": 255, "background_A": 255, "width": 512, "height": 256, "expand": "true", "x": 256, "y": 128}, "class_type": "Text2Image _O"}, "51": {"inputs": {"images": ["48", 0]}, "class_type": "PreviewImage"}, "52": {"inputs": {"text": " - use text instead of String\n - allow transparent text and BG\n - allow you to set image size\n - expand: this option will resize the \n result image to fit the text if \n the image don't fit \n - x,y is to move the text around the image \n it points to text center "}, "class_type": "Note _O"}, "53": {"inputs": {"text": ""}, "class_type": "Note _O"}, "54": {"inputs": {"text": ""}, "class_type": "Text _O"}, "55": {"inputs": {"seed": 15161934627308}, "class_type": "seed _O"}, "56": {"inputs": {"int": 0}, "class_type": "int _O"}, "57": {"inputs": {"float": 0}, "class_type": "float _O"}, "58": {"inputs": {"text": "an empty node that can be used to write notes X) \n"}, "class_type": "Note _O"}, "59": {"inputs": {"text": "text input node"}, "class_type": "Note _O"}, "60": {"inputs": {"text": "seed input node"}, "class_type": "Note _O"}, "61": {"inputs": {"text": "number input nodes"}, "class_type": "Note _O"}, "62": {"inputs": {"upscale_method": "bilinear", "WidthFactor": 1.25, "HeightFactor": 1.25, "crop": "disabled", "samples": ["66", 0]}, "class_type": "LatentUpscaleFactor _O"}, "63": {"inputs": {"upscale_method": "nearest-exact", "WidthFactor": 1.25, "HeightFactor": 1.25, "MulOf46": "enabled", "crop": "disabled", "image": ["85", 0]}, "class_type": "ImageScaleFactor _O"}, "64": {"inputs": {"text": "latent tools \n - new node added SelectLatentFromBatch_O\n\nit is useful if you want to select an image to continue working on after generating multiple images "}, "class_type": "Note _O"}, "65": {"inputs": {"text": "utility nodes\n\n- the input nodes good if you want to \n reroute after them as currently the \n primitive node dost work with \n reroute nodes "}, "class_type": "Note _O"}, "66": {"inputs": {"index": 2, "samples": ["68", 0]}, "class_type": "selectLatentFromBatch _O"}, "67": {"inputs": {"text": "Upscale image using factors "}, "class_type": "Note _O"}, "68": {"inputs": {"seed": 1020066313120726, "steps": 20, "cfg": 8.0, "sampler_name": "euler", "scheduler": "karras", "denoise": 1.0, "model": ["69", 0], "positive": ["70", 0], "negative": ["71", 0], "latent_image": ["72", 0]}, "class_type": "KSampler"}, "69": {"inputs": {"ckpt_name": "sd-v1-4.ckpt"}, "class_type": "CheckpointLoaderSimple"}, "70": {"inputs": {"text": "cute girl ", "clip": ["69", 1]}, "class_type": "CLIPTextEncode"}, "71": {"inputs": {"text": "bad hands ", "clip": ["69", 1]}, "class_type": "CLIPTextEncode"}, "72": {"inputs": {"width": 512, "height": 512, "batch_size": 4}, "class_type": "EmptyLatentImage"}, "73": {"inputs": {"samples": ["68", 0], "vae": ["69", 2]}, "class_type": "VAEDecode"}, "74": {"inputs": {"images": ["73", 0]}, "class_type": "PreviewImage"}, "75": {"inputs": {"samples": ["66", 0], "vae": ["69", 2]}, "class_type": "VAEDecode"}, "76": {"inputs": {"images": ["75", 0]}, "class_type": "PreviewImage"}, "80": {"inputs": {"samples": ["62", 0], "vae": ["69", 2]}, "class_type": "VAEDecode"}, "81": {"inputs": {"images": ["80", 0]}, "class_type": "PreviewImage"}, "85": {"inputs": {"image": "example.png", "choose file to upload": "image"}, "class_type": "LoadImage", "is_changed": "a8e215ad32a0052fc4190e9c5863428d5ee35cd98b246243842ba8360511b7c4"}, "86": {"inputs": {"images": ["63", 0]}, "class_type": "PreviewImage"}, "87": {"inputs": {"image": "numbers.png", "choose file to upload": "image"}, "class_type": "LoadImage", "is_changed": "9db12b5c5856795a4497c44745e26363b4dfa371863d228dc9fec0bb41167228"}, "88": {"inputs": {"filename_prefix": "ComfyUI", "images": ["87", 0]}, "class_type": "SaveImage"}}jUtEXtworkflow{"last_node_id": 88, "last_link_id": 81, "nodes": [{"id": 2, "type": "Equation1param _O", "pos": [70.26363461036739, 125.46773995871277], "size": {"0": 400, "1": 200}, "flags": {}, "order": 0, "mode": 0, "outputs": [{"name": "FLOAT", "type": "FLOAT", "links": [7], "slot_index": 0}], "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "Equation1param _O"}, "widgets_values": [6.5, "x+1/3"]}, {"id": 5, "type": "Equation2params _O", "pos": [81.2636346103674, 394.4677399587126], "size": {"0": 400, "1": 200}, "flags": {}, "order": 36, "mode": 0, "inputs": [{"name": "x", "type": "FLOAT", "link": 7, "widget": {"name": "x", "config": ["FLOAT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 18446744073709552000}]}}], "outputs": [{"name": "FLOAT", "type": "FLOAT", "links": [4], "slot_index": 0}], "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "Equation2params _O"}, "widgets_values": [5, 2.5, "x+y"]}, {"id": 6, "type": "floatToInt _O", "pos": [551.2636346103676, 134.4677399587128], "size": {"0": 315, "1": 58}, "flags": {}, "order": 46, "mode": 0, "inputs": [{"name": "float", "type": "FLOAT", "link": 4, "widget": {"name": "float", "config": ["FLOAT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 18446744073709552000}]}}], "outputs": [{"name": "INT", "type": "INT", "links": [5], "slot_index": 0}], "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "floatToInt _O"}, "widgets_values": [0]}, {"id": 7, "type": "intToFloat _O", "pos": [571.2636346103676, 322.4677399587126], "size": {"0": 315, "1": 58}, "flags": {}, "order": 53, "mode": 0, "inputs": [{"name": "int", "type": "INT", "link": 5, "widget": {"name": "int", "config": ["INT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 18446744073709552000}]}}], "outputs": [{"name": "FLOAT", "type": "FLOAT", "links": [6], "slot_index": 0}], "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "intToFloat _O"}, "widgets_values": [0]}, {"id": 3, "type": "floatToText _O", "pos": [558.2636346103676, 478.4677399587126], "size": {"0": 315, "1": 58}, "flags": {}, "order": 61, "mode": 0, "inputs": [{"name": "float", "type": "FLOAT", "link": 6, "widget": {"name": "float", "config": ["FLOAT", {"default": 0, "min": 0, "max": 18446744073709552000}]}}], "outputs": [{"name": "STRING", "type": "STRING", "links": [2], "slot_index": 0}], "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "floatToText _O"}, "widgets_values": [0]}, {"id": 14, "type": "Chat_Message _O", "pos": [490.4199728939069, 1279.0299540944563], "size": {"0": 389.8748779296875, "1": 128.49383544921875}, "flags": {}, "order": 1, "mode": 0, "outputs": [{"name": "OPENAI_CHAT_MESSAGES", "type": "OPENAI_CHAT_MESSAGES", "links": [9], "slot_index": 0}], "title": "Chat_Message _O (the init message)", "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "Chat_Message _O"}, "widgets_values": ["user", "act as prompt generator ,i will give you text and you describe an image that match that text in details, answer with one response only"]}, {"id": 16, "type": "combine_chat_messages _O", "pos": [969.4199728939068, 1280.0299540944563], "size": {"0": 367.79998779296875, "1": 46}, "flags": {}, "order": 38, "mode": 0, "inputs": [{"name": "message1", "type": "OPENAI_CHAT_MESSAGES", "link": 9}, {"name": "message2", "type": "OPENAI_CHAT_MESSAGES", "link": 10}], "outputs": [{"name": "OPENAI_CHAT_MESSAGES", "type": "OPENAI_CHAT_MESSAGES", "links": [12], "slot_index": 0}], "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "combine_chat_messages _O"}}, {"id": 19, "type": "Reroute", "pos": [1315.4199728939052, 1349.0299540944563], "size": [75, 26], "flags": {}, "order": 48, "mode": 0, "inputs": [{"name": "", "type": "*", "link": 12, "pos": [37.5, 0]}], "outputs": [{"name": "", "type": "OPENAI_CHAT_MESSAGES", "links": [14], "slot_index": 0}], "properties": {"showOutputText": false, "horizontal": true}}, {"id": 11, "type": "Note _O", "pos": [25.593636956406257, 1237.5227515553931], "size": {"0": 400, "1": 200}, "flags": {}, "order": 2, "mode": 0, "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "Note _O"}, "widgets_values": ["updates\n - no longer need to use String nodes, so this new one is using \n normal text parameter, so it is now compatible with other comfyUI \n nodes that receive text\n\n - support selecting the model in chat Completion node\n so if you have access to gpt-4 you can use it\n\n//note: using ChatGPT with revAnimated or mistoonAnime checkpoints produce stunning accurate results"], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653"}, {"id": 22, "type": "Note _O", "pos": [-443.40636304359373, 731.5227515553921], "size": {"0": 400, "1": 200}, "flags": {}, "order": 3, "mode": 0, "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "Note _O"}, "widgets_values": ["Open AI package"], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653"}, {"id": 13, "type": "load_openAI _O", "pos": [462.59363695640627, 1093.5227515553931], "size": {"0": 315, "1": 58}, "flags": {}, "order": 4, "mode": 0, "outputs": [{"name": "OPENAI", "type": "OPENAI", "links": [18], "slot_index": 0}], "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "load_openAI _O"}}, {"id": 20, "type": "Reroute", "pos": [926.4199728939068, 1402.0299540944563], "size": [75, 26], "flags": {}, "order": 56, "mode": 0, "inputs": [{"name": "", "type": "*", "link": 14, "pos": [37.5, 0]}], "outputs": [{"name": "", "type": "OPENAI_CHAT_MESSAGES", "links": [15], "slot_index": 0}], "properties": {"showOutputText": false, "horizontal": true}}, {"id": 15, "type": "Chat_Message _O", "pos": [494.4199728939069, 1448.0299540944563], "size": {"0": 389.8748779296875, "1": 128.49383544921875}, "flags": {}, "order": 5, "mode": 0, "outputs": [{"name": "OPENAI_CHAT_MESSAGES", "type": "OPENAI_CHAT_MESSAGES", "links": [10], "slot_index": 0}], "title": "Chat_Message _O (your prompt)", "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "Chat_Message _O"}, "widgets_values": ["user", "dancng girl"]}, {"id": 27, "type": "Reroute", "pos": [436.56722430992215, 1721.548828508518], "size": [90.4, 26], "flags": {}, "order": 54, "mode": 0, "inputs": [{"name": "", "type": "*", "link": 24, "pos": [45.2, 0]}], "outputs": [{"name": "OPENAI", "type": "OPENAI", "links": [22], "slot_index": 0}], "properties": {"showOutputText": true, "horizontal": true}}, {"id": 29, "type": "Note _O", "pos": [29.593636956406243, 1675.5227515553931], "size": {"0": 400, "1": 200}, "flags": {}, "order": 6, "mode": 0, "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "Note _O"}, "widgets_values": ["updates\n - create image input now is text instead of string, so it can be\n Compatible with any other text nodes \n - also add fake seeds to force the node to generate new input each \n cycle if needed"], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653"}, {"id": 28, "type": "Reroute", "pos": [865.3935602474226, 1635.0560310475812], "size": [90.4, 26], "flags": {}, "order": 47, "mode": 0, "inputs": [{"name": "", "type": "*", "link": 23, "pos": [45.2, 0]}], "outputs": [{"name": "OPENAI", "type": "OPENAI", "links": [24, 28], "slot_index": 0}], "properties": {"showOutputText": true, "horizontal": true}}, {"id": 30, "type": "PreviewImage", "pos": [1054.5672243099211, 1784.548828508518], "size": {"0": 237.004638671875, "1": 215.01806640625}, "flags": {}, "order": 71, "mode": 0, "inputs": [{"name": "images", "type": "IMAGE", "link": 25}], "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "PreviewImage"}}, {"id": 33, "type": "PreviewImage", "pos": [1763.5672243099211, 1780.548828508518], "size": {"0": 237.004638671875, "1": 215.01806640625}, "flags": {}, "order": 77, "mode": 0, "inputs": [{"name": "images", "type": "IMAGE", "link": 30}], "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "PreviewImage"}}, {"id": 32, "type": "Reroute", "pos": [1271.5672243099211, 1701.548828508518], "size": [90.4, 26], "flags": {}, "order": 55, "mode": 0, "inputs": [{"name": "", "type": "*", "link": 28, "pos": [45.2, 0]}], "outputs": [{"name": "OPENAI", "type": "OPENAI", "links": [29], "slot_index": 0}], "properties": {"showOutputText": true, "horizontal": true}}, {"id": 26, "type": "create image _O", "pos": [519.567224309923, 1784.548828508518], "size": {"0": 400, "1": 200}, "flags": {}, "order": 62, "mode": 0, "inputs": [{"name": "openai", "type": "OPENAI", "link": 22}], "outputs": [{"name": "IMAGE", "type": "IMAGE", "links": [25, 26], "slot_index": 0}, {"name": "MASK", "type": "MASK", "links": null}], "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "create image _O"}, "widgets_values": ["dancng girl", 1, "256x256", 0, false], "color": "#232", "bgcolor": "#353"}, {"id": 17, "type": "Chat completion _O", "pos": [976.4199728939068, 1473.0299540944563], "size": {"0": 393, "1": 126}, "flags": {}, "order": 63, "mode": 0, "inputs": [{"name": "openai", "type": "OPENAI", "link": 19}, {"name": "messages", "type": "OPENAI_CHAT_MESSAGES", "link": 15}], "outputs": [{"name": "STRING", "type": "STRING", "links": [16], "slot_index": 0}, {"name": "OPENAI_CHAT_COMPLETION", "type": "OPENAI_CHAT_COMPLETION", "links": null}], "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "Chat completion _O"}, "widgets_values": ["gpt-3.5-turbo", 0, false], "color": "#232", "bgcolor": "#353"}, {"id": 35, "type": "Note _O", "pos": [-433.40636304359373, 2131.522751555393], "size": {"0": 400, "1": 200}, "flags": {}, "order": 7, "mode": 0, "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "Note _O"}, "widgets_values": ["updates\n - remove the no longer necessary string node \n - add new NSP node\n - enhanced the text2image node\n"], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653"}, {"id": 36, "type": "Note _O", "pos": [26.593636956406257, 2131.522751555393], "size": {"0": 400, "1": 200}, "flags": {}, "order": 8, "mode": 0, "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "Note _O"}, "widgets_values": ["updates\n - this node will select a random value from the NSP file included \n with the Package based on the terminology you select"], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653"}, {"id": 39, "type": "Concat Text _O", "pos": [978.2740901701846, 2513.6782103622136], "size": {"0": 255.0090789794922, "1": 78}, "flags": {}, "order": 51, "mode": 0, "inputs": [{"name": "text1", "type": "STRING", "link": 36, "widget": {"name": "text1", "config": ["STRING", {"multiline": true}]}}, {"name": "text2", "type": "STRING", "link": 37, "widget": {"name": "text2", "config": ["STRING", {"multiline": true}]}}], "outputs": [{"name": "STRING", "type": "STRING", "links": [38], "slot_index": 0}], "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "Concat Text _O"}, "widgets_values": ["", " at ", ""]}, {"id": 43, "type": "Note _O", "pos": [976.2740901701849, 2254.6782103622136], "size": {"0": 261.47479248046875, "1": 202.4876708984375}, "flags": {}, "order": 9, "mode": 0, "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "Note _O"}, "widgets_values": [" - combine two text inputs to one text also \n it will add the separator in the middle"], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653"}, {"id": 46, "type": "Note _O", "pos": [1286.2740901701827, 2253.6782103622136], "size": {"0": 261.47479248046875, "1": 202.4876708984375}, "flags": {}, "order": 10, "mode": 0, "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "Note _O"}, "widgets_values": [" - replaces all occurrences of (old) with \n the new) value "], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653"}, {"id": 44, "type": "Replace Text _O", "pos": [1268.2740901701827, 2513.6782103622136], "size": {"0": 289.0200500488281, "1": 83.88400268554688}, "flags": {}, "order": 60, "mode": 0, "inputs": [{"name": "text", "type": "STRING", "link": 38, "widget": {"name": "text", "config": ["STRING", {"multiline": true}]}}], "outputs": [{"name": "STRING", "type": "STRING", "links": [39, 41], "slot_index": 0}], "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "Replace Text _O"}, "widgets_values": ["", "Wizard", "Witch"]}, {"id": 52, "type": "Note _O", "pos": [46.593636956406215, 3032.522751555393], "size": {"0": 261.47479248046875, "1": 202.4876708984375}, "flags": {}, "order": 11, "mode": 0, "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "Note _O"}, "widgets_values": [" - use text instead of String\n - allow transparent text and BG\n - allow you to set image size\n - expand: this option will resize the \n result image to fit the text if \n the image don't fit \n - x,y is to move the text around the image \n it points to text center "], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653"}, {"id": 51, "type": "PreviewImage", "pos": [834.5936369564066, 3057.522751555393], "size": {"0": 1037.8057861328125, "1": 210.6422882080078}, "flags": {}, "order": 80, "mode": 0, "inputs": [{"name": "images", "type": "IMAGE", "link": 45}], "properties": {"Node name for 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"widgets_values": ["an empty node that can be used to write notes X) \n"], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653"}, {"id": 59, "type": "Note _O", "pos": [657.4491246181497, 4099.738520461642], "size": {"0": 229.99794006347656, "1": 103.36981201171875}, "flags": {}, "order": 18, "mode": 0, "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "Note _O"}, "widgets_values": ["text input node"], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653"}, {"id": 60, "type": "Note _O", "pos": [1133.4491246181487, 4100.738520461642], "size": {"0": 229.99794006347656, "1": 103.36981201171875}, "flags": {}, "order": 19, "mode": 0, "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "Note _O"}, "widgets_values": ["seed input node"], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653"}, {"id": 61, "type": "Note _O", "pos": [1596.4491246181487, 4101.738520461642], "size": {"0": 229.99794006347656, "1": 103.36981201171875}, "flags": {}, "order": 20, "mode": 0, "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "Note _O"}, "widgets_values": ["number input nodes"], "color": "#432", 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for S&R": "Note _O"}, "widgets_values": ["In this example, you can write your equation to be applied on the input "], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653"}, {"id": 10, "type": "Note _O", "pos": [27, 732], "size": {"0": 400, "1": 200}, "flags": {}, "order": 23, "mode": 0, "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "Note _O"}, "widgets_values": ["ChatGPT updates\n - support selecting the model \n so if you have access to gpt-4 you can use it\n\n - add a seed input (it is not a real seed) but it is used to make \n the node generate new input \n\n\n//note: using ChatGPT with revAnimated or mistoonAnime checkpoints produce stunning accurate results"], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653"}, {"id": 23, "type": "Note _O", "pos": [-428, -452], "size": {"0": 400, "1": 200}, "flags": {}, "order": 24, "mode": 0, "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "Note _O"}, "widgets_values": ["Thanks for using my tools \n\n- kindly notice that the green colored nodes are the new updates in \n this version"], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653"}, {"id": 67, "type": "Note _O", "pos": [1389, 90], "size": {"0": 400, "1": 200}, "flags": {}, "order": 25, "mode": 0, "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "Note _O"}, "widgets_values": ["Upscale image using factors "], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653"}, {"id": 64, "type": "Note _O", "pos": [-325, 3465], "size": {"0": 305.0923767089844, "1": 101.80223083496094}, "flags": {}, "order": 26, "mode": 0, "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "Note _O"}, "widgets_values": ["latent tools \n - new node added SelectLatentFromBatch_O\n\nit is useful if you want to select an image to continue working on after generating multiple images "], "color": "#432", "bgcolor": "#653"}, {"id": 65, "type": "Note _O", "pos": [-288, 4046], "size": {"0": 229.99794006347656, "1": 103.36981201171875}, "flags": {}, "order": 27, "mode": 0, "properties": {"Node name for S&R": "Note _O"}, "widgets_values": ["utility nodes\n\n- the input nodes good if you want to \n reroute after them as 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